Meet the Team

Sheryl Lau
Senior Speech Therapist
Sheryl graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Speech Pathology. She is also a registered speech therapist with the Singapore Allied Health Professions Council. She strongly believes in a holistic approach to therapy that involves all aspects of the client’s life to help the client reach his/her potential. Sheryl loves working with toddlers and preschool children in the area of early language development, as well as with school aged children and adolescents with language difficulties. Besides using a variety of mediums to ensure her sessions are fun and engaging, she also includes techniques from the following methods in her therapy sessions:
Hanen Program – It Takes Two to Talk
Hanen Program – More Than Words
DIR Floortime
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Sara Rosenfield-Johnson’s Oral Placement Therapy
Behaviour Intervention and Teaching Social Skills in Austism and Asperger’s Syndrome
S.O.S. (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to Feeding
MORE – Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions
TalkTools program- A Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy
PROMPT- Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets
Looking Beyond the Behaviour – A Sensory Processing Approach
Social Thinking – Developing Social Understanding and Problem Solving in Individuals with Social Challenges
Lindamood-Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing